Cara Gampang Membuat American Risoles

American Risoles. Make sure the Rissoles do not burn. Turn the rissoles over when one side is browned and slightly crispy (make sure they don't burn). Cook the other side the same way, turn the heat down to medium and cook through.

American Risoles Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well together with your hands. If the mix is too wet add breadcrumbs. Roll into small balls (about the size of golfballs) and flatten slightly. Hello mom.Kali ini kita memiliki Resep American Risoles. Resep ini memiliki 15 Bahan utama, dan 5 cara memasaknya.

Resep American Risoles

  1. Cukup Bahan Kulit :.
  2. Siapkan 250 gr tepung terigu.
  3. Cukup 2 sdm tepung sagu / tapioka.
  4. Cukup 1 bgks dancow bubuk putih.
  5. Cukup 1 sdm minyak goreng.
  6. Siapkan 1 butir telur.
  7. Cukup 1/2 sdt garam.
  8. Siapkan 500 ml air.
  9. Siapkan Bahan isian :.
  10. Cukup 4 buah sosis, iris tipis.
  11. Siapkan 3 butir telur rebus, potong2.
  12. Sediakan Bahan Campuran Mayonaise :.
  13. Siapkan 180 gr mayonaise.
  14. Cukup 35 gr keju cheddar.
  15. Sediakan 1 sachet Susu Kental Manis.

A rissole, from the Latin russeolus meaning "reddish", is a small patty covered with dough or breadcrumbs and usually fried or baked. It is filled with sweet or savory ingredients, meat or fish. Today's Australian version contains no dough. Risoles are a popular Indonesian specialty—crispy croquettes with a creamy filling.

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